COOKING STATION PATROL LEADER OBJECTIVE OF STATION: Your patrol shall accomplish the following and be scored accordingly. All members are to participate and this is a timed event. Each patrol member will have handicap. 1. Build a fire - you may use any of your "ten essentials". 2. Each patrol member must TOAST a marshmallow. 3. The marshmallow shall be used to make one s'more for each patrol member. 4. Each patrol member eats their s'more. 5. The patrol is to put the fire out completely and clean the area. 6. Tell the judge what the common name for Ursa Major is. JUDGE OBJECTIVE OF THE STATION: The patrol is to build a fire using the available supplies and their "10 essentials". Each member is to be handicapped. Each member is to TOAST a marshmallow and make and eat a s'more. The patrol is to put out the fire and clean up. They are to tell you the answer to a question. The building of the fire is timed. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: Observe the Scouts in that all are participating and performing consistant with their disability. 3 points will be deducted for each failure. The building of the fire is timed for maximum points-see score sheet. Score the activity accurately. HANDICAP ASSIGNMENTS: 1=ARM IN SLING,2=CRUTCHES,3=NON-HANDICAP, 4=MUTE,5=DEAF,6=BLIND COOKING SCORE SHEET PATROL NUMBER______________ ITEMS SCORED POSSIBLE EARNED SCORE SCORE Building the fire; Patrol involved? 10 _______ 10 essentials used? 10 _______ Time to build <10 min 20 _______ Cooking; Marshmallow-golden brown 20 _______ S'more properly assembled 10 _______ Hershey bar 10 _______ (1 point per member) (10 points if all have bar) Clean-up/fire out; No mess left 5 _______ fire out and in proper container 10 _______ Question answered 5 _______ Big Dipper Total Possible Score 100 sub total _______ Deductions; less than 6 patrol members -10 _______ more than 9 patrol members -10 _______ each handicap failure -3x_____ _______ Total Score _______ GIVE SCORE SHEET TO STATION MASTER